Official Collaboration with PyTorch Lightning

Our Deep Learning tutorials are now official tutorials of PyTorch Lightning and integrated in their documentation!

Figure 1: We have collaborated with the PyTorch Lightning team to integrate our Deep Learning Tutorials as official tutorials in their documentation! Figure credit: PyTorch Lightning Team

PyTorch Lightning is a wrapper around PyTorch, allowing you to reduce your code overhead for training and get advanced features like multi-GPU training for free. We have used PyTorch Lightning several times in our Deep Learning Tutorials at the University of Amsterdam, and have seen a great response from our students!

Today, we are happy to announce that we have collaborated with the PyTorch Lightning team to integrate our tutorials as official Lightning tutorials in their documentation. Check them out here to get started with your Lightning experience!

Phillip Lippe
Phillip Lippe
Research Scientist

Research Scientist at Google DeepMind
