AI4Science Talks: PDE-Refiner - Achieving Accurate Long Rollouts with Neural PDE Solvers

I presented our recent paper on modeling accurate long rollouts with neural PDE solvers.

UAI Spotlight Talk: BISCUIT - Causal Representation Learning from Binary Interactions

I presented our UAI spotlight paper on learning causal representation learning from low-level actions.

ICML F4LCD Contributed Talk: Modeling Accurate Long Rollouts with Neural PDE Solvers

I presented our ICML workshop paper on how to achieve accurate long rollouts with neural PDE solvers.

Life as a PhD student

I shared my experience of being a PhD student at UvA.

KAUST Rising Stars in AI: Causal Representation Learning

I was invited to the Rising Stars in AI Symposium to give a talk on our work in Causal Representation Learning.

UvA Master's Week: AI Alumnus Talk

I shared my experience of the Master AI program with prospective students for the 2023-2025 program.

Trends in AI: Panel Discussion

I joined a panel for discussing the newest trends in AI, and our predictions for 2023.